Sep 7Liked by The Sandwich Life

You got gaslighted, girl.

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Sep 7Liked by The Sandwich Life

Oh and I called one a “rectangular asshole” once and it went downhill from there!

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Sep 7Liked by The Sandwich Life

I think surgeons are the worst for terrible bedside manner!! They say stupid things then instead of recognizing they are shitheads they treat the patient like they are the problem. I can’t tell you how many times as a nurse I had to tell a surgeon to find their humanity!!

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Sep 8Liked by The Sandwich Life

You’re a warrior queen, Cynthia! You stood your ground with that physician despite your vulnerable position and his callousness and arrogance! Thank goodness you’re home now safe & sound, your sense of humor and feistiness intact! Wishing you rapid healing & full recovery! 🥰🌻

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Sep 7Liked by The Sandwich Life

So sorry. 😔 Glad you are home. ❤️ Prayers for a good recovery. 🙏🏼

I went to the ER with a racing heart and the ER doc suggested that my husband and I had had a fight or I was having a panic attack. Boy was I mad - ended up I had a particular heart condition. 😡 Geez. Some docs treat women like crap! 🙄

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